Plasmodium falciparum, the most virulent malaria parasite, expresses various surface proteins that play critical roles in its lifecycle and interaction with the host. Some of these proteins are unique to the parasite and do not share significant homology with human proteins.
A recent study identified a total of 22 newly annotated proteins from P. falciparum, of which 11 were found to have no significant homology to human proteins. This was determined using BLASTp comparisons against the human proteome, where proteins showing query coverage and percent identity of 35% or higher were excluded from this non-homologous category.
Some of the notable proteins identified include:
These proteins are considered promising candidates for drug development due to their unique characteristics and lack of significant homology to human proteins.
In summary, there are indeed Plasmodium falciparum surface proteins that exhibit no significant homology to human proteins, making them potential targets for novel antimalarial therapies.
from Bio import SeqIO from Bio.Blast import NCBIWWW # Load P. falciparum protein sequences pf_sequences = SeqIO.parse('pf_proteins.fasta', 'fasta') # Function to check for homology def check_homology(seq): result_handle = NCBIWWW.qblast('blastp', 'nr', seq) return result_handle # Analyze each sequence for record in pf_sequences: check_homology(record.seq)